Ali Klein

Ali is a second year at UC Berkeley and is an intended psychology major. She hopes to declare her major by the end of the year and to continue to learn and grow in the field of psychology. She would eventually like to obtain her PhD in clinical psychology and go on to become a therapist.
Alisa Zhao
Alisa is a third year undergraduate at UC Berkeley, double-majoring in psychology and economics. She has been working in the lab since Spring 2013 and to explore her interests in clinical psychology. Alisa is also working at Cultural and Cognition Lab. When she is not in lab, she enjoys playing with her puppy Jamón , traveling and modeling.
Anita is a third year undergraduate student at UC Berkeley and will be graduating in the Spring of 2014 with her B.A. in Psychology, and ideally, minors in Music and Education. She is currently a research assistant at the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic. When not in the lab, Anita enjoys teaching mental health workshops to students in local Oakland high schools with Peer Health Exchange and jamming with her a cappella group, the Cal Jazz Choir.
Anita Shankar

Anita graduated from UC Berkeley in 2011 with a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in English. Since then, she has been dividing her time between The Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic at Berkeley, Dr. Geoff Cohen's Education in Psychology Lab at Stanford, and Sociology research in the donating and trading of breast milk at UCSF. Recently Anita received notice that she would be named second author in a publication for her work in affirmation at Stanford. In her free time she enjoys training her pet rats and cat to do her bidding, and volunteering at the Academy of Sciences, documenting the behavior of baby ostriches.
Derek Alexander Pisner

Hi, my name is Derek and I graduated with a Philosophy degree from the University of Virginia in 2011, though I now pursue clinical psychology in the hopes of supplementing theory with science. Specifically, I hope to study how disturbances of rest and sleep relate to the onset and maintenance of affective disorders in adolescents and adults. In my free time, I enjoy playing guitar, writing experimental music, running, practicing yoga, and hiking along the coast.
Emily Clark

Hi there, I'm Emily. I am originally from Olympia, WA, but came down to California for school and of course, the sun. I graduated from Cal in December 2012 with a B.A. in Psychology. I am currently a research assistant for a few projects, including the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic. I work on the Teen Sleep Improvement Study and the Depression Supplement. From this experience, I hope to gain a better perspective on what I want to do with my future. Aside from adoring psychology and my RA positions, I love eating, hiking, and relaxing with my friends.
Fabiana Zorrilla

My name is Fabiana Zorrilla, I am a fourth year cognitive science
major. This is my first year in the lab and I am so far loving it! I
am really excited to keep on helping out as much as I can and keep on
getting to know the rest of the lab members. I hope for a great year
in this awesome research lab!
Hanh Dang

Hanh recently graduated from UC Berkeley in May 2013 with a B.A. in MCB Neurobiology and Psychology. She has worked as a research assistant in Stephen Hinshaw's lab on a behavioral intervention study for children with ADHD. She has also worked at the Asian American Center on Disparities Research with Nolan Zane at UC Davis on various studies investigating ethnic patterns of stress, mental health, and treatment utilization. She is currently enjoying being a part of the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic and hopes to use this clinical experience to pursue a medical degree in Psychiatry. She loves Harry Potter, cooking and eating all kinds of food, spending time with loved ones, practicing yoga, going to concerts, reading, and volunteering at her local suicide and crisis hotline.
Jane Chen

Jane is a third year undergraduate student at UC Berkeley, double majoring in Psychology and Public Health. Since joining the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic in June 2012, Jane has helped administer sleep and psychological assessments over the phone and collected biological measures for the Teen Sleep Improvement Study. Outside of lab, Jane enjoys giving tours with the UC Berkeley Visitor Center and organizing events for prospective students with the Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarship Association. Jane also loves swimming, playing piano and violin, dancing, and spending time with family and friends.
Joaleen Jimenez
Joaleen is a recent graduate of UC Berkeley with a B.A. in Psychology. Since joining the GBSMRC in fall of 2012, she has worked on the Teen Sleep Study and the Depression Treatment Study. Joaleen is also a research assistant at the Berkeley Psychophysiology Lab working on studies examining the effect of aging on empathy and relationships in healthy individuals and those with neurodegenerative disorders. She is hoping to attend graduate school in the next year where she plans on obtaining a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology. When not doing research Joaleen enjoys adventuring around the Bay Area, going for walks around Lake Merrit, eating sushi and shopping!
Josephine Juanamarga

Josephine graduated from UC Berkeley in December, 2012. While she was at Cal, she was actively involved in several social psychology research laboratories, also was a part of the Psi Chi chapter at Berkeley and managed to publish two articles from her undergraduate thesis. She enjoys working with children, young adults and adults’ population, including those with mental health and sleep problems; hence she really excited to be a research assistant at Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Clinic where she can gain valuable experiences. With her wide interests in the clinical and social areas, she hopes to pursue a PhD in clinical psychology.

Julia Kang
Julia is a second year student at UC Berkeley, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Education. She started working at the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic as a Research Assitant in the summer of 2013 and absolutely loves it! She loves working with people and learning and trying new things within the lab and outside the lab, she loves music, traveling, photography, and filling her schedule with volunteering and work.
Karissa Gonzalez

Karissa is currently a third year psychology student and also double majoring in Spanish. She is a transfer student from Los Angeles. Currently she is working in the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic as a research Assistant. Her interests include clinical, evolutionary, and social psychology. In her spare time she enjoys running and reading.
Kristian Panlilio Dadacay

Kristian is a third year majoring in Molecular & Cellular Biology with an emphasis in Neurobiology. He enjoys studying the brain and plans to enter medical school in hopes of studying neurology and mental health.
Lynda Moy

Lynda is a fourth year student at UC Berkeley, where she is working towards obtaining her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. She has worked as a research assistant at the UC Berkeley Infant Studies Center studying the effects of self-produced locomotion on early cognitive development. She is currently a research assistant at the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic and hopes to use this experience in the future to pursue a career in the fields of child development and clinical psychology. In her free time, she loves food adventures, exploring the city, and volunteering at her local children’s hospital.
Madhu Suresh
Madhu Suresh is a third year undergraduate at UC Berkeley, double-majoring in psychology and public health. She has been working in the lab since fall 2012 and to explore her interests in clinical research and counseling psychology. When she is not in the lab, Madhu is working on a rejection anxiety project at the Berkeley Relationships and Social Cognition lab. She enjoys playing tennis, traveling and working with the American Red Cross in her spare time. In the future, she hopes to obtain her PsyD in clinical psychology.
Nada Rendradjaja

Nada is a third-year psychology student at UC Berkeley who works on GBSMRC's data team and edits for the Undergraduate Journal of Psychology at Berkeley. Beyond her pursuits in psychology, she is a senior staff editor at The Daily Californian and a volunteer at Berkeley Arts Magnet School. She enjoys writing, taking photographs and playing IM volleyball with her sorority in her free time.
Nicole Boltz

Nicole Boltz is currently a second year at UC Berkeley majoring in Psychology and Pre-med. She hopes to explore her interest in Neuropsychology through the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic. In the Future Nicole aspires to earn a PsyD in Neuropsychology from a Bay Area graduate school. When she is not working hard, Nicole enjoys to bake, travel, and spend quality time with her friends and family.
Nishita Agarwal

Nishita is a fourth year student at UC Berkeley double majoring in Psychology and Peace & Conflict Studies. She is now a Research Assistant at the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic where she hopes to explore her interests in clinical psychology. She hopes to attend a clinical psychology program in graduate school. Outside the lab, she enjoys reading, travelling, and walking dogs at the animal shelter.
Roberto Gonzalez-Huerta

Hi I'm Roberto-5th Year double major in Integrative Biology and Psychology. I joined GBSMRC because of my interest in sleep and it's impact & importance in daily life activity. I'm also involved in activities related to improving the health of unrepresented minorities, and in the future i hope to receive an M.D. and M.P.H. On my time off i enjoy running, watching horror movies, exploring food options and drinking boba.
Rosalinda Medrano

Rosalinda Medrano is a fourth year undergraduate at UC Berkeley majoring in Psychology. She is currently a research assistant at the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic and also works at the Law Library. She is interested in Clinical Psychology and hopes to go on to medical school to become a Psychiatrist. On her free time she enjoys watching movies, going dancing, and spending time with family and friends.
Sarah Shafer

Hi! I'm Sarah Shafer and I'm a fourth year at Cal studying Integrative Biology and Public Health. In the lab, I work mostly as a Bioteam Leader and as a member of the Actiwatch Crew. I grew up in the SF Bay Area and love it here! During my free time I like to travel, hike, cook and play with my dog.
Summer is a third year Public Health major and Gender and Women Studies minor student. She plans to get at Masters of Public Health after her undergraduate years. She began her position as a research assistant at GBSMRC in summer 2013 as her interest in linking society with widespread mental health issues began to develop. She is a coordinator within You Mean More on UC Berkeley's campus, an intern at SHEP, and a GenEq intern. She has traveled to many countries and has also a developed a strong love for fashion.