Teen Sleep Improvement Study
Do you…
- Fall asleep in class?
- Remain awake at night when you want to sleep?
- Need an alarm to wake up in the morning?
- Struggle to find the energy for sports or other activities?
- Notice dark circles under your eyes?
If you said "yes" to any of these, you may benefit from this study!
What is this study about?
This study is testing whether sleep coaching sessions can help young people who have difficulty getting to sleep at night, difficulty waking up or getting out of bed in the in the morning, and feel sleepy during the day.
Who can join?
To be in this study you must:
- Be 10-18 years old
- Be living with a parent or guardian
- Have difficulty falling asleep
Specifically, you need to be going to sleep late at least 3 weeknights per week.
10-13 year olds who go to sleep later than 10:40pm,
14-16 year olds who go to sleep later than 11:00pm, or
17-18 year olds who go to sleep later than 11:20pm
How can I join?
You will need permission from your parent to join the study. You do not have to be in the study if you don’t want to. There is no cost to you or your parent to be in the study.
For more information or to schedule a phone interview, contact us at:
(510) 643-3797 TeenSleepUCB@gmail.com
Why is sleep so important?
Many teens have problems getting to sleep. This can have negative effects on your life. Being tired or sleepy can lower your grades or impact your performance in sports or other activities. It can also affect relation-ships with friends and family. Poor sleep can even cause problems with your health, appearance, mood, or behavior.
What happens if I join?
First, you and your parent or guardian will be interviewed to determine if you are a good fit for the study. If you are eligible, you will spend the night in our clinic at UC Berkeley. You will have a private room. There are NO WIRES and we will not videotape any part of your overnight stay. We provide snacks and fun! Following that, you will receive six treatment sessions with a highly trained sleep coach. We’ll also ask you to keep a sleep diary and wear a special watch that tracks when you’re awake and asleep. As a thank-you for your time, you and your parent will receive gift cards and/or cash at your interviews