Recent Grads & Lab Alumni
Deidre Abrons

Dr. Anda Gershon
Anda Gershon recently completed an NRSA-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Clinic. During this fellowship she designed and conducted a prospective research study examining the impact of stress, mood variability, social rhythm disruption, and sleep disturbance, on illness course in bipolar disorder. Anda completed her Ph.D. in Personality and Psychopathology with the mentorship of Dr. Ian H. Gotlib, at the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Laboratory of the Psychology Department at Stanford University. For her dissertation research she conducted a longitudinal study examining the role of acute and chronic stress in the first onset of psychiatric disorders in adolescent daughters of depressed mothers. Anda earned her B.A. (with Honors) from the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Anda's research interests focus on the intersection between social environmental and biological factors in the course of mood disorders. In her research, Anda uses longitudinal designs and prospective daily assessment methods including daily sleep and mood diaries and actigraphy. During her fellowship, Anda led a multi-year training group in the administration and coding procedure of the Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS; Brown & Harris, 1978), an interview method for the assessment of stress. Anda completed the Limited Clinical Training Program through the Clinical Science Program at UC Berkeley. In the summer of 2010 she taught Psychology of Personality (Psych 150) through the Department of Psychology at UC Berkeley.
-2007-2010 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32), the National Institutes of Mental Health.
-Eidelman, P., Gershon, A., McGlinchey, E., & Harvey, A.G. (in press). Sleep and Psychopathology. In C.A. Espie and C.M. Morin (Eds). Handbook of Sleep and Sleep Disorders, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
-Harvey, A.G., Talbot, L.S., & Gershon, A. (2009). Sleep disturbance in bipolar disorder across the lifespan. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 16, 256-277.
-Harvey, A.G., Hairston, I.S., Gruber, J., & Gershon, A. (2007). Anxiety and sleep. Invited chapter. In Antony, M. M., & Stein, M. B. (Eds.), Handbook of Anxiety and the Anxiety Disorders. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
-Harvey, A.G., Hairston, I.S., Gershon, A., & Gruber, J.L. (2006). Special Considerations in Insomnia Treatment. In C.A. Kushida (Ed.), Handbook of Sleep Disorders. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dr. June Gruber
Faculty Profile:
Lab Webpage:

Teresa Caffe

Natash Dagys, M.A.
Polina Eidelman
Her research interests are sleep disturbance across the age range, and the association between sleep and psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents.
Manuela Gander
Manuela is a visiting scholar at the Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic. She is a second-year doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Innsbruck and has done research in Austrian schools and at the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in London.
Manuela’s research interests are the impact of sleep disturbance in adolescence, its contribution to the symptoms of depression and bipolar disorders and the possible interventions. As her PhD thesis is on the different ways to identify depressive adolescents in school, she wants to find out more about the school’s role in terms of sleep disturbance, i.e. how can teachers recognize sleep problems, how can sleep problems influence a teenager’s school performance and how can schools promote better sleep habits.
2010-2011: Research scholarship of the vice-rector of research in Innsbruck
2010: Academic Excellence Scholarship of the University of Innsbruck
Gander , M. (2011, March). Internalising symptoms in depressive adolescents: Manifestations and ways of identification in school. Paper presented at the 32 nd Congress of the German Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Essen, Germany.
Gander , M. (2010). Shell Shock during the First World War: Diagnosis and Treatment in the Austrian-Hungarian Army. Zeit-Raum-Innsbruck, 11, 13-32.
Jason Hartman
Kate Kaplan
Kate Kaplan is currently completing her clinical internship at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. Kate received her B.A. in 2003 and M.A. in 2004 from Stanford University, where she worked with Dr. William C. Dement in the Sleep Disorders Research Center and Dr. Ian H. Gotlib in the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Laboratory. Her research is a happy fusion of previous work in sleep and psychopathology. Kate's present and past research focuses on documenting the presentation, course and consequences of hypersomnia in psychiatric disorders, exploring sleep deprivation and recovery sleep in adolescents and adults, and the relationship between stressful life events, sleep, and illness course in unipolar and bipolar depression. Kate has also worked as a clinical intern in the U.C. Berkeley Psychology Clinic for three years and serves as a therapist and assessor on two RCTs treating sleep disturbances in individuals with insomnia and with bipolar disorder. When she's not working in the lab or getting some sleep, Kate enjoys traveling, reading, and eating dim sum.
Awards & Honors
- Kaplan, K.A., Talbot, L.S., Gruber, J. & Harvey, A.G. (in press). Comparison between actigraphy, polysomnography and sleep diary in individuals with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders.
- Eidelman, P., Gershon, A., Kaplan, K., McGlinchey, E. & Harvey, A.G. (in press). Social support and social strain in interepisode bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders.
- Gershon, A., Eidelman, P., McGlinchey, E., Kaplan, K.A. & Harvey, A.G. (in press). Restless pillow, ruffled mind: Sleep and affect coupling in inter-episode bipolar disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology.
- Soehner, A., Kaplan, K.A., Kanady, J., & Harvey, A.G. (in press). Cognitive therapy for insomnia. Encyclopedia of Sleep.
- Dagys, N., McGlinchey, E.L., Talbot, L.S., Kaplan, K.A., Dahl, R.E. & Harvey, A.G. (2012). Double Trouble? The Effects of Sleep Deprivation and Chronotype on Adolescent Affect. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53(6), 660-7.
- Harvey, A.G., Kaplan, K.A., Soehner, A. (2012). Interventions for Sleep Disturbance in Bipolar Disorder. In J. Herman & M. Hirshkowitz (Eds). Sleep medicine and psychiatric illness. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia.
- Kaplan, K.A., Gruber, J., Eidelman, P., Talbot, L.S., & Harvey, A.G. (2011). Hypersomnia in interepisode bipolar disorder: Does it have prognostic significance? Journal of Affective Disorders, 132(3), 438-44.
- McGlinchey, E.L., Talbot, L.T., Chang, K., Kaplan, K.A., Dahl, R.E., Harvey, A.G. (2011). Vocal expression of emotion in sleep deprived adolescents and adults. SLEEP, 34(9), 1233-1241
- Talbot, L.S., McGlinchey, E.L., Kaplan, K.A., Dahl, R.E., Harvey, A.G. (2010). Sleep Deprivation in Adolescents and Adults: Changes in Affect. Emotion, 10(6), 831-41.
- Kaplan, K.A., Talbot, L.S. & Harvey, A.G. (2009). Cognitive mechanisms in chronic insomnia: Processes and prospects. Sleep Medicine Clinics, 4(4), 541-548.
- Kaplan, K.A. & Harvey, A.G. (2009). Hypersomnia across mood disorders: A review and synthesis. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 13, 275-285.
- Kaplan, K.A., Itoi, A., & Dement, W.C. (2007). Relationship between awareness of sleepiness and ability to predict sleep onset: Can drivers avoid falling asleep at the wheel? Sleep Medicine, 9(1), 71-79.
- Kamdar, B.B., Kaplan, K.A., Kezirian, E.J., & Dement, W.C. (2004). The impact of extra sleep on daytime alertness, vigilance, and mood. Sleep Medicine, 5, 441-448.

Ingvild Berg Saksvik
Ingvild is a licensed psychologist and a PhD candidate at the University of Bergen, Norway. She worked as a research fellow at the University of Bergen in 2008. Further, she has held a position as PhD research fellow at the University of Bergen since January 2009 and plans to complete her PhD degree in December 2011. Her dissertaion focuses on shift work, sleep and health. Her research interests are related to how individuals handle and cope with work and leisure time, especially in relation to sleep, stress and health. Also she is interested in personality, resistance to change and clinical psychology.
List of Publications
-Saksvik, I. B., Bjorvatn, B., Hetland, H., Sandal, G. M. & Pallesen S (submitted). Individual differences in tolerance to shift work. A systematical review. Sleep Medicine Reviews.
- Pallesen, S. Bjorvatn, B. Magerøy, N. Saksvik, I. B. Waage, S. & Moen, B. E. (2010). Measures to counteract the negative effects of night work. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Environmental Health, 36, 109-120
- Saksvik, I. B., Hetland, H. (2009). Exploring Resistance to Change. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 16. 135-155
- Saksvik, I. B. & Hetland, H. (2009) Resistance to organizational change Individual reactions to change on the emotional, attitudinal and behavioural level. In Saksvik, P. Ø (ed) Prerequisites for organizational change. Ebook. Bentham Science Publishers.
- Oreg, S., Bayazit, M., Arciniega, L., Armaenakis, A., Barakauskiene, R., Bozionelos, N. . . . van Dam, K. (2008). Dispositional resistance to change: Measurement equivalence and the link to personal values across 17 nations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 935-944.

Lisa Talbot
Adriane Soehner

Taiala Tatakamontonga